Your Digital Calling Card: 5 Elements of a Fantastic Speaker Website

In this free video, Speakers, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Service Professionals will learn what you absolutely must have in your speaker website to attract conference hosts and meeting planners, the 5 things that they look for and expect to see. Without those things, you could be passed right over and no one wants that, right? 

This is the first in our three-video series on the Business of Speaking. The three videos are just a start to what you need ... 

During This Free Training, You’ll Learn:

Why you need a speaker website

The 5 things you must incorporate into your speaker website

Deeper dive into those 5 items 


Professional Speaker, CEO of Several Multi-Million Dollar Busineses, Founder of The Speaker Collaborative

Lee Tkachuk is the Founder of The Speaker Collaborative, a paid membership group for speakers, focusing on the Business of Speaking. Her mission is to fully integrate her career in professional speaking with her success in business and help speakers at all levels - from speaking within your career to speaking to grow your business to getting booked and paid to be on stage, from aspiring through established and everyone in between!

Here's what current members are saying:

Dana Dobson Professional Speaker, PR Consultant, TEDx Speaker Coach, Dana Dobson Public Relations 

"The Speaker Collaborative has become an indispensable resource for me. Professional speaking is a "calling" for many of us, but it is not a journey any one of us can travel alone. It's complex. It's competitive. And, it changes all the time. Through The Speaker Collaborative, I've made supportive friends, learned insider tips, gotten a heads up on speaking gigs, and generally, have become more excited than ever to be in a community of like-minded world changers." 

Meaghan Corson Professional Speaker, Build Relationships with the Masses Using Video and On-Camera Skills

"If you're looking to grow as a professional speaker, then you need to join The Speaker Collaborative. It's been difficult to find a program or group that goes beyond the presentation side of speaking. I wanted a resource that's focused on the business side of speaking that actually helps you get more paid speaking engagements. The Speaker Collaborative is that resource. I joined The Speaker Collaborative because I'm serious about speaking to more audiences that value my expertise, and I'm so glad I did because I know I'll achieve my business goals even faster with Lee's guidance."  

Jessica Valor Author, Inspirational Speaker, Intuitive Mentor & Master Energy Healer 


“The Speaker Collaborative is a sacred space to connect, learn, grow and receive opportunities as a speaker. Lee offers so much support every week to help all of stay on track. If you are a new or seasoned speaker The Speaker Collaborative supports you and offers you a community so you are never alone growing as a speaker. I will see you there!” 

Ready to Rock Your Speaker Website?